STORM 2003-2004 Survey for School Superintendents

The Science center for Teaching, Outreach, and Research on Meteorology (the STORM Project) would like to thank you for your participation in our outreach program. In order to better serve you, we ask that you please take a moment to fill out this brief survey and submit it to us. Your comments will help develop a program that better fits user needs.

* Indicates a Required Field

* First Name * Last Name

* Affiliation example: Cedar Falls School Superintendent


City State Zip

* E-Mail Address


Approximately how often did you use the Foretell software this past winter season?

Once a week
Before/during weather events

Approximately how often did you visit the STORM Superintendent Resource Center?

Once a week
Before/during weather events

If you answered Rarely or Never above, please briefly explain why.

If applicable, did the Foretell software or STORM web resources change or assist the way
you made weather-related decisions ths past winter?


If applicable, what time of day did you most frequently use Foretell/STORM web resources?

Please select the STORM resources that you found useful this past winter.

Online Training Modules (Foretell, Web Resources)
Weekly Superintendent Newsletter
Virtual Lobby Communication Center
NWS Forecast by School District Web page
Weather Products for Superintendents (Iowa visibility, temperature, etc.)
Superintendent Resource Center Articles/Links
Contacting STORM personnel directly (e-mail, phone, etc.)

What do you think of our web-based Superintendent Resource Center?

Very Good
Needs Improvement

What improvements/additions would you find useful in the STORM Superintendent Resource Center?

How could training and support by The STORM Project be enhanced to better serve you?

Comments/Questions not covered by questions above may be placed here.