STORM Project Weather Station Daily Archive

The archive consists of hourly weather conditions atop Latham Hall at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls.
Select the day from the drop-down lists. The resulting chart will be the hourly conditions for that date.

The archive begins December 02, 2001 and continues to the present. The data isn't a full set, as due to software failure, days were missed. For example the year 2002 has about 89% of the days' files. If you make a selection between December 02, 2001 and the present day, and get a ERROR: File not found, then it's probably a day that was missed.

We have recently updated the weather station with measurement of additional weather variables such as UV Index, Solar Radiation and Evapotranspiration. The archive data beginning June 5, 2009 is every 30 mins for 24 hr period.


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Last Modified:01/10/13