Working with Small Group Dynamics in the Classroom

Saturday, April 11, 2015 - 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Presented by Dr. Alison Bianchi from the University of Iowa.

Alison Bianchi’s research focuses on how social inequalities at the societal level – especially those general axes of inequality including race, class and gender – create structural inequalities at the small group level. Knowing how these processes can emerge, how do we form small groups of students so that all can freely participate, be included and learn? How might we even begin the conversation with students about such sensitive topics? What about group conflict within student study groups – how do you deal with that? Alison will present snippets of her theory-driven research, as well as practical interventions that ameliorate structural inequalities, based on the research. Her approach: well-intentioned intervention strategies often fail to break the structures of group-level inequality. Interventions based on supported theory really work! Let’s explore your options, so that YOU are empowered to combat the deleterious effects of cultural belief systems that advantage some, and disadvantage others. Registration is required. 

Room 1043, Bartlett Hall
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