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Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) is a type of refractive procedure which can correct nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) or astigmatism. Through your group benefits with Principal LIfe Insurance Company, and working with the National Lasik Network, administered by LCA-Vision, Inc., you, your spouse and dependent children receive savings on one of the most frequently performed elective surgeries in America.

The discount includes 15% off standard pricing or 5% off promotional pricing.

Please visit for more details, or call 888-647-3937.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Am I a good candidate for LASIK?
    You may be a good candidate if you meet the following criteria:
    • At least 18 years old
    • In good general health
    • Have a stable prescription for at least 1 year
    • Not currently pregnant or nursing

  2. What can LASIK correct?
    Myopia — This occurs when the eye is too long or has too much curvature. When light enters the eye, it is focused in front of the retina which causes a person to have blurry vision when looking at things at a distance.
    Hyperopia — This occurs when the eye is too short or has too little curvature. When light enters the eye, it is focused behind the retina which causes a person to have blurry vision when looking at things both near and far.
    Astigmatism — This occurs when the eye is irregularly shaped, much like a football. This causes a person to have blurry vision at any distance.

  3. Will I still need my reading glasses after my procedure?
    Presbyopia is when the crystalline lens in the back of the eye naturally stiffens, causing it to be difficult to focus on objects close up. This will result in the need for reading glasses, but not typically until someone reaches their 40's. While LASIK doesn't correct presbyopia, monovision is an alternate type of procedure where the doctor will correct one eye for distance and the other eye for close up vision. This could alleviate the need for reading glasses.

This discount is not insurance.

For more frequently asked questions visit