Register for a Jobs@UNI Account

Register for a Jobs@UNI Account 

 Text Field Username (required)

Current UNI Employees will first need to Register in order to apply for a Jobs@UNI position. 

Enter a Username for your Jobs@UNI account. Your Username must be greater than 4 characters and contain only letters and numbers. The username is not case-sensitive.Username

 Text Field Password (required)

Enter a case-sensitive Password for your Jobs@UNI account. Your Password must be between 6 and 15 characters, contain at least 1 number.

 Text Field Security Question (required)

In order to reset your password, you will be asked to answer a security question. Select one of the following security questions: Mother’s maiden name, city of birth, pet’s name, or high school friend.  

 Text Field Reset Password Answer (required)

Enter the answer to the chosen security question. Your Reset Password Answer will not be case-sensitive.

 Email Contact Email Address (required)

Please specify an email address to receive correspondence during the application process. An email address is required for all applicants and is the Jobs@UNI primary method of communication.
Email Address

 Text Field First Name (required)

Enter your legal first name as it appears appears on Social Security Card.
First Name

 Text Field Middle Name

Enter your legal middle name as it appears appears on Social Security Card.
Middle Name

 Text Field Last Name (required)

Enter your legal first name as it appears appears on Social Security Card.
Last Name

 Text Field Primary Phone (required)

Enter your primary phone number you wish to be contacted on.
Primary Phone

 Click Button Option Register

The final step in registering for a Jobs@UNI account is to save your registration information.

Registration information will only be saved if all of the required fields are completed appropriately. After carefully reviewing all required fields, click once on the Register button to save the registration information.
Register Button

ImportantImportant Note:
Clicking the Register button alone will not save the registration information, each required field must be completed in order to save.

The system will alert you with a stop Stop Notification alert notification and a list of each required field that needs updating. After updating all of the required fields, click once on the Register button to save the registration information.

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 Tips for Success Tips for Success

      1. Double red arrows Required Fields indicate a required field and must be completed in order to complete the registration.

      2. Your Reset Password Answer will not be case-sensitive.

      3. Jobs@UNI requires that you have your cookies turned on in your web browser.

If you are having trouble accessing Jobs@UNI, please Contact Us.

 Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions