EPC Recommendation regarding changes to the Electronic Devices Policy

Calendar Item: 
Docket Number: 
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The EPC has meet regarding the request by the President's Cabinet to modify the Electronic Devices Policy.  Specifically, Tim McKenna stated the following in an email to Scott Peters and EPC Chair Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn, dated August 10, 2012.  "...the President and Cabinet want the policy to include the emergency/safety-related statement or language in the policy as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the fall semester 2012."  The safety-related statement or language refers to a "language in the policy that said the instructor should allow some means of emergency communication to the classroom.  For example, if an emergency alert is sent to everyone's cell phone and email, the instructor and class should be aware of it; that might be through the instructor's use of a personal cell phone or the designation of a student to keep a communication line open for that purpose" (email communication from Ginny Arthur, dated August 8, 2012.  The EPC needs to present its recommendation regarding this requested change to the policy. 


Therefore, be it resolved, that the Faculty Senate approve the EPC's recommendation to require the University to provide appropriate means of emergency notification in the classroom.

Final Action Taken: 
Chair Peters notified President Allen and University Counsel, 12/3/2012
Meeting Date: 
Nov 26, 2012