EPC Recommendations Regarding Academic Ethics Policy (previously 1085/983)

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Per Senate request, the EPC has reviewed and made recommenations for changes to the draft of the revised Academic Ethics Policy.  The attached document indicates the EPC's recommendations.


Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate accept the EPC's recommendations for changes to the revised Academic Ethics Policy.  The EPC also recommends that when the final version is placed on the university web site, that there are links from the various violations to places where students can see examples and descriptions.  For example, the nature and limits of proper paraphrasing.  That way, students have a place to go to see more information.  Alternately, a standard text could be identified and referenced at the start of the policy, with page or section numbers included throughout the policy as appropriate.

NOTES about the Document FORMATTING

We highlighted the sections to which we made changes.  We used the strike through function to indicate text we think should be eliminated, and inserted language for how we believe it should read (but this will be in the highlighted portions).  There are a couple of notes that didn't get deleted

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Supporting B title: 
Final amended Version passed by Senate Ap 16, 2012
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Final Action Taken: 
E-mailed to Associate Provost Arthur 4/18/12; Approved by President and Cabinet 8/6/12
Meeting Date: 
Apr 16, 2012