Entering grades is cumbersome.

Last Updated: 5/1/2012


Category of Issue: Grading

Issue name: Entering grades is cumbersome.

Issue resolution status: Completed.

Due date: 

Issue description:

Adding grades is cumbersome due to the drop down lists used for entry.  Entering grades directly into a textbox would be preferable.


Planned solution:

The system is designed with dropdown boxes to limit the grade entry to the grading type appropriate for the course (i.e. graded vs. credit/no credit).  To change the grade entry to utilize text boxes would require a significant modification to the system.

One of the guiding principles of the project is:

Given the exceptionally high cost of customization, we will strive to make ZERO changes to the new SIS; we will instead REENGINEER our processes to best make use of the capabilities of the software. Any customizations will require Cabinet-level approval.