What If.... We Really Focused on Families, Mothers and Babies?

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 - 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

What If? session led by Disa Cornish and Susan Roberts-Dobie, School of Kinesiology, Allied Health and Human Services

What if we paid more attention to new moms and babies? What if we found ways to support parents and infants? Social support, family leave policies, and childcare will be explored in an interactive session focusing on the potential benefits to the wellbeing of our communities through health education and policy changes. We welcome and encourage attendance and participation from pregnant/parenting individuals and families, healthcare providers, social service providers, childcare providers, policymakers, and anyone in the community who has an interest in the health and wellbeing of families and children. Registration is not required and is open to the public. Fits Part B for Ethics in Scholarship certification.

Cedar Falls Public Library
Contact Information
Craig Van Sandt