Fighting Kite

Vince Gotera

San Antonio, Texas: Pecan Grove Press, 2007
(ISBN: 978-1-931247-23-8)

Cover photo by Mary Ann Blue Gotera
Cover design by Sally Ann Kueker

Interior design and typesetting by Sally Ann Kueker


About Fighting Kite . . .

Fighting Kite narrates, in verse, the life of Martin Avila Gotera — son, trickster, soldier, schizophrenic, visionary, lawyer, workingman, father — a life that glimmers like a node, a shimmery knot, a glowing nexus, of the shared histories of the Philippines and the United States. Fighting Kite also unveils how parents' lives shape, shade, and sharpen their children's days and nights: a son remembering a father, brilliant and troubled, tormented and wise.


Poems from Fighting Kite . . .