
Psychological Statistics


Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 10th Edition
Frederick J. Gravetter
Larry B. Wallnau
ISBN-13: 9781305504912
  2017 Published

Psychological Statistics

  Spring 2020

SECTION 2: Class M, W, F  12:00 - 12:50 (Sabin 227); Lab  - F  1:00 - 1:50 (Sabin 109)

SECTION 3: Class M, W, F  2:00 - 2:50 (Sabin 127); Lab  - F  3:00 - 3:50 (Sabin 109)


Instructor:  Dr. Robert T. Hitlan
Office:  Bartlett 1069
Office Phone:  319-273-2223
Office Hours:  M, W, F 9:00-10:00 & by appt.
E-mail:  rob.hitlan@uni.edu


Important Course Info.

View Your Grades

Online Statistics Workshops

Statistical Techniques Handout

Supplemental Chapter Material/Videos

Syllabus Section 2: 12pm

Syllabus Section 3: 2pm





General Course Announcements

01/22/20 - Psych. Stats. students. I came across another good website that includes a series of videos to help you learn different statistics topics that we will be covering this semester (as well as, other more advanced statistics topics). You should check it out here

Statistics Videos

01/13/20 - Welcome to Statistical Methods. 

01/13/20 - I have a listing of videos on different aspects of statistics that students may check out from me for up to 24 hours. These videos are introductory videos covering a wide range of topic areas we will cover this semester. Let me know if you are interested...

*What is statistics?, 

*Picturing distributions,

*Describing distributions, 

*Normal distributions,

*Normal calculations, 

*Time series,

*Models for growth, 

*Describing relations


*Multidimensional data analysis,

*The question of causation, 

*Experimental design,

*Blocking and sampling, 

*Samples and surveys,

*What is probability, 

*Random variables,

*Binomial distributions, 

*The samples mean,

*Confidence intervals, 

*Significance tests,

*Inference for one mean, 

*Comparing two means,

*Inference for proportions, 

*Inference for two-way tables,

*Inference for relations, 

*Case study, 

*Hypothesis Tests about Mean, 

*Hypothesis Tests with Variance Unknown, 

*Logistic Regression, 

*Inference for Regression, 

*Multiple Regression: Building the Model, 

*Nonparametric Tests, 

*Sampling distributions and the Central Limit theorem, 

Most videos are approximately 30 minutes in length.



Course Homework Assignments

Statistics Homework Page