Jim O'Loughlin




What's new:
The Late Night Book
for the iPad

FTRS Season 11 lineup:










Daily Life in the Industrial United States, 1870-1900 The short story "Simultaneous Submission" as an audio podcast American Literature and the Great Depression Home Page
Flash fiction: "Choices Made" Audio files of appearance on Chicago Public Radio's Odyssey Electronic Literature
"Off the Raft: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
and Jane Smiley's The All-True Travels and
Adventures of Liddy Newton"
Animated version of
"Find Out If It's Right For You"
Course Page for
Designing Proposals
"Grow'd Again" Articulation and the History of Topsy" Audio Excerpt of "Purple A Man" 1906: A Tale of Two Novels
Jim O'Loughlin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Languages & Literature at the University of Northern Iowa. He teaches classes in American literature, creative writing, and professional writing.