2008 Scholarship Winners



President Gloria Adams, Recipients Sorayda el Socorro Sáenz Potoy and Jacqueline Dolores Díaz Hernández, Secretary Holly Gleich


On July 25, 2008 the first recipients of college scholarships from Muchas Manos Light Work were named.  Two recipients were available to receive their certificates when told each would receive $400 to help with tuition, books, and other school expenses.  Neither would be able to start university studies without the financial assistance.  A third recipient is Noe Samuel Ochoa Avendaño that was working in another area at the time of the team’s visit.  He begins study for Agricultural Engineering in August 2008.  Sorayda and Jacqueline begin study to become teachers later this year.


The presentations were made by President Gloria Adams and Secretary Holly Gleich during a visit to the community July 23 to 26, 2008.  The organization hopes to continue providing youth in the community with educational opportunities through donations and fundraisers.