The experiences I had on the trip were like no other class I have taken at UNI and was a fantastic way to end my undergraduate education.  I will never forget the homestay and the first-hand experience of the Nicaraguan commitment to family, community, serving others, and faith.  This immersion in the culture will forever change me.

Scott Heemstra


You’ll have rice and beans for lunch but by supper it will be separated so it’s different.  Not only is the food a whole different experience but so is everything else.  Truly a trip I will NEVER forget.


Katie Miller Marketing: Textiles and Apparel.

If I could sum up my advice to others on Nicaragua in two words, it would be “Go there.”  We had a blast from day one experiencing the culture and getting to know the people.  The kids are awesome and will run you ragged playing tag and breaking it down on the dance floor.

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Nate Reynolds


I came on this trip not knowing what to expect and walked away with more than I could’ve ever imagined.  This trip has been a wonderful experience and opportunity for me and I’ll never forget my time in Nicaragua.


Annie Meade

Business Administration

If you wanna find a whole lotta neatness in one place, You’ll be able to find it in Nicaragua.  Beside the roosters not having any grasp of time or manners, it is an adventure filled experience where you won’t only learn things applicable to your future job, but grow as an individual as well.

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Jack Rummells Exercise Science

“baby of the group”

The people you meet in Nicaragua will either melt your heart or make it ache, accept it.  The three most important things I learned during my experience is to appreciate all that you have in life; most importantly friendships and family, to live in the moment, and to laugh.


Julie Herrig


Nicaragua was an awesome experience that I would recommend to anyone.  It truly talks a trip like this to understand more about the world, their country, our country, and our views.  Everyone is so welcoming allowing for you to become immersed into the culture quickly.  This experience is a great way to help others while learning the most possible in 2 weeks.


Greg Kajewsky

Accounting and MIS


This experience was a life changing experience that not only allowed me to grow culturally but also grow as a person.

Abby Snyder


This capstone is unique even among the study abroad options.  You could go to Europe for a vacation any time in your life, but your chances to traveling to a country like this after college are slim.  You will realize a different way of life and experience a lot of fun activities in the process.

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Augie Hadenfeldt

History Education


I have learned more life lessons in two week in Nicaragua than I would have in 200 years in the U.S.: never say Spanish words when you don’t know what they mean, don’t tell someone they just ate cow tongue until after they clean their plate, bug nets are worthless when boys put beetles in your sleeping bags anyway, and a small gift from the heart with love means more than anything else.


Stephanie Dick


The experience, the people, and the culture can and will change your life for better if you let it.  Be open to new things in all aspects of your life and you will find that life gives you wonderful things that you cannot even begin to imagine.  Money may make the world go around, but love and friendship make the trip worthwhile.


Zach Swalley


Alias: Jackie Chan

Touring the country of Nicaragua was definitely the most interesting experience of my life. Starting with the excitement of Managua, then spending a week in the mountains, and ending in the Colonial town of Leon I feel as though I had a true Central American experience.  This is the best way to end a semester, no question.


Ryan Grothe

Real Estate

The work, the fun, and the perspectives of these students made traveling with this group an honor.  The discussions and questions were insightful, the interaction joyous, and the openness to new things great.

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Chris Schrage

Faculty leader

2011 Nicaragua Team Quotes