May 2013 Nicaragua Insights



Communicative Disorders

Osage, IA

The time I spent in Nicaragua really made me realize just how blessed I truly am.  However, the most valuable lesson I took away from this experience is how such simple acts, like sharing a smile or laugh with a child, can help overcome language and cultural barriers.  I look forward to using what I have taken from this experience in both my future career and everyday life!



Business Management

Pella, IA

My time in Nicaragua has opened my eyes to the developing world. I was able to see what real poverty looks like and the economic problems that the country faces. It took a lot of the concepts I learned in my international business classrooms and put them in a realistic world view. I so appreciate now the wonderful lifestyle I have been blessed with.

Brandon Honeyman


Muscatine, IA

The two weeks in Nicaragua were life changing. It isn't until you live the life here that you fully begin to understand the struggles in less developed countries. Applying my knowledge from classes here helped open my eyes to both personal and professional changes. I couldn't be more thankful or appreciative for the opportunity, and plan to continue lessons learned from here for the rest of my life.



Marketing/IB Minor

Spirit Lake, IA

"My experience in Nicaragua was more than any one person could ask for. I changed peoples life's in ways I  never could have imagined, as they did same to mine. It was eye opening, breathtaking, and life changing."

Jake (Nick)


Business Management

Clear Lake, IA

Living in Nicaragua for 2 weeks has made me appreciate the small things in life.  I now have a better understanding on how well we are off and not to take basic necessities for granted. This experience has helped me realize there is a big difference between needs and wants.



Social Work and Psychology

Shell Rock, IA

After this trip I will be craving juice in a bag, cold showers, dub step music, rice and beans, scented toilet paper, quality time with family and friends, and living in the moment.  This trip makes you realize material things are not important, and what matters is family and the connections you make with others. These connections will last a lifetime!




Chicago, IL

Honestly, these were the longest two weeks in my life! I wouldn't change them for the world though! This trip puts you on a roller coaster of emotions; where the highs outweigh the lows and the lows make you appreciate everything you have.  I will never forget the people I have met, they've made such an incredible impact on my life!



Family Services and Art Studio

Sioux City, IA

"Smiles, laughter, and tears were all shared on this trip with people that have changed my life forever. I definitely learned the value of people is always better than any materialistic thing in this world. I would shower with a bucket and take hours to go get water any day if I  was able to be surrounded by the friends that were made."




Waverly, IA

Never take for granted just how fortunate you are. During my time in Nicaragua I was able to see first-hand how appreciative people are for the littlest things--from new school supplies to a simple visit. My experience here has shown me just how blessed I am and how much potential there is to help others.

Meredith Radig

Elementary and Middle Level Education

Des Moines, IA

"These 12 days have not only provided me with the completion of UNI's Capstone requirement, but with life lessons and memories to remember the rest of my life as an American. I now have a greater appreciation for the food I eat, the showers I take, and the 'wants' that I have. But most importantly, I now truly understand that there is no better time than the present and how valuable it is especially when spent with my family and friends."

Michelle Haught

Human Resources/Spanish

Iowa City, IA

My time spent in Nicaragua was taught me countless lessons, many that I have yet to realize. Although the majority of the country lives in poverty, they know how to be happy and cherish each and every moment. They take nothing for granted and live each day to its fullest. I think this is something that Americans frequently look past. This trip was my reminder.




Sioux City, IA

The trip to Nicaragua was the greatest experience of my life.  I would not change this trip for the life of me. They don't have much in Nicaragua, but yet they have so much more than what I could ever possibly have.  I am so blessed to have taken this journey and made memories with people I'll have for a life time.  I truly fell in love with Nicaragua!!!




Dubuque, IA

Don't take anything for granted. Even more than that, when feeling stressed, anxious or mad, just know that someone somewhere has it way worse. I've seen it first hand on this trip and it has changed my perspective on life and how good we have it.