
October, 2002 -    Applications sent to PreK-12 teachers and higher education institutions in the state. Online application available.

October 14-15, 2002  -    ITEC/ASCD Conference in Des Moines; Showcase project on display.  

December 16, 2002  -    Showcase Applications Due.

January, 2003  -      Award winning projects selected and notified.

February 20, 2003   -  Showcase Awards Ceremony over the ICN.

April 3-4, 2003  - Iowa Joint Associations' Conference, sponsored by IACT, IDLA and IEMA; Both a presentation and a display about IETTI will include information about the Showcase project.

April 30, 2003 - UNI Technology Symposium; A presentation about IETTI will include information about the Showcase project.


Questions about the Showcase:

Doreen Hayek, Projects Administrator (319) 273-7300; email:

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