NCAA Faculty Representative (FAR)
The Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) is a member of an institution's faculty or administrative staff who is designated by the institution's chief executive officer or other appropriate entity to represent the institution and its faculty in the institution's relationships with the NCAA and its conference(s).
The FAR works to support a campus environment in which the athletics program is maintained as a vital component of the educational program and in which student-athletes constitute an integral part of the student body. The NCAA also notes that the FAR serves as the "principal advisor to the CEO on all matters related to intercollegiate athletics" and helps "monitor the coordination of compliance efforts and rules education among campus entities out side the athletics department."
Appointed By: President in consultation with faculty and administrative officials.
Eligibility: The FAR shall be a full-time tenured member of the teaching faculty.
Specific Responsibilities at University of Northern Iowa (UNI)
The general scope of the FAR's role at UNI is consistent with the description provided by the NCAA and summarized above. In addition, the FAR at UNI has certain other responsibilities. Committee responsibilities of the FAR are the following:
The FAR chairs the UNI Compliance Team.
The FAR serves as chair of the Intercollegiate Athletic Advisory Council.
The FAR chairs the Student-Athlete Appeals Committee (non-financial aid issues).
The FAR will offer to report annually on athletics to the Faculty Senate and other appropriate institutional boards and committees.
The FAR will meet at a minimum, on a quarterly basis with the President to review and/or discuss issues pertaining to intercollegiate athletics and UNI student-athletes. The FAR will prepare and submit an annual report, to the President and Provost. Copies of the report shall be filed with the President/ Provost, Vice-President for Administration and Finance, and the Director of Athletics.
The FAR serves on committees that hire head coaches and senior athletic administrators.
The FAR serves on MVC committees, occasionally as chair. The FAR casts the institutional vote on all matters.
The FAR serves on NCAA committees, when appointed.
Read the 2019-20 Report of the Faculty Athletics Representative
Read the 2018-19 Report of the Faculty Athletics Representative
Read the 2017-18 Report of the Faculty Athletics Representative
Read the 2016-17 Report of the Faculty Athletics Representative
Read the 2015-16 Report of the Faculty Athletics Representative
Read the 2014-15 Report of the Faculty Athletics Representative
Read the 2013-14 Report of the Faculty Athletics Representative
Read the 2012-13 Report of the Faculty Athletics Representative
Read the 2011-12 Report of the Faculty Athletics Representative
The Conference shall award annually two (2), $10,000 postgraduate scholarships, one (1) each to a male and female scholar-athlete. Recipients must demonstrate outstanding achievements in athletics, scholarship and citizenship, with the primary focus on the scholarship being an academic award.
- Recipient must have achieved a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.4.
- Recipient must have earned a varsity letter in the last season of competition.
- Recipient must demonstrate the positive influence of athletic participation and community service on his/her personal and intellectual development.
- Recipient must graduate from their institution(s) within 18 months following selection at the spring meetings of the Faculty Athletics Representatives Committee.
- Recipient must be accepted for postgraduate studies at an institution of higher learning at the time of receipt of the scholarship.
- Recipient must have completed eligibility for participation in intercollegiate athletics in the academic year in which nominated.
- Recipient must enroll in postgraduate studies within 18 months of selection for the award, or the scholarship shall be given to the alternate recipient.
The Conference will present the Dr. Charlotte West Award annually, to one female and one male student-athlete who have completed intercollegiate eligibility in their primary sport, to recognize outstanding achievement in academics, athletics, services, and leadership.
- Nominee must have participated in a Missouri Valley Conference-sponsored sport.
- Nominee must have competed during the current academic year and completed intercollegiate eligibility in their primary sport by the end of the spring season. Do not nominate an individual who plans to compete in any sport in the subsequent academic year.
- Nominee must have a minimum cumulative grade-point average 3.00 (4.000 scale).
- Nominee must be a varsity letter-winner.
- Incomplete nominations will not be given full consideration.