Thailand: Chiang Mai University (USAC)

This unique program to Chiang Mai, Thailand is offered through UNI's partnership with USAC (University of Study Abroad Consortium). As one of USAC's Specialty Programs, students will live and study on Chiang Mai University's campus (CMU) but take courses taught by USAC professors. They will also have the option to connect with up to 50-60 other US students participating in the program during the same term.

Since courses are lead by USAC professors, everything is taught in English. However, students still have access to all the same resources and facilities offered by the university.

Not only will students be advised through the process by the UNI Study Abroad Center, but they will also receive help and guidance from USAC staff as well. Because USAC has an office on CMU's campus, students will have on-site staff to support them upon their arrival in Thailand through the entire duration on the program!

Dates & Deadlines

Term: Summer and Fall 2025
App Deadline: Saturday, March 1, 2025
Program Dates: TBA

The application cycle for Spring 2025 is currently closed. Summer and Fall 2025 applications will open later this semester. Students can click the link below to schedule this meeting beginning in November.

Schedule First Steps Meeting

Interested in studying abroad in the summer of 2025 or later? Please fill out the waitlist form below and the study abroad center will notify you when applications for future terms open. You can also schedule an informational meeting with our office to learn more about the programs we offer and find one that works best for you!

Study Abroad Waitlist Schedule Info Meeting

Unsure where to begin? Visit our Application Process page to learn more!



Located on the Ping River, Chiang Mai is known as the "Rose of the North". This vibrant city is one of the most scenic area's in the country due to the high mountain ranges that surround the city, providing many area's for students to see and explore. Not only is the city surrounded by natural beauty, but it is also full of ancient culture, historical landmarks, and has hundreds of years of economic prominence. 

Chiang Mai University (CMU) was the first institution of higher education in Northern Thailand. The university has 40,000 students total divided between four campus locations. USAC students stay on the SuanSak campus, situated quite close to the city center. With more than 600 acres, SuanSak is full of beautiful vegetation as well as numerous shops, cafes, stores, banks, and post offices on or near campus.

Program Costs

Estimated Program Cost will vary

Costs for the USAC program to Thailand will vary depending on students preferences and necessities. Students will go over projected costs with a UNI study abroad advisor during their First Steps meeting.

USAC is a nonprofit, so they make it a priority to keep costs affordable to allow more students to gain an international experience. They also offer a wide variety of scholarships, grants, and discounts to students, as well as assistance to students who need help applying for financial aid. 

UNI study abroad center also has many scholarship resources available for students. Visit our "Finances and Scholarships" page for more information.

Cost of Studying On Campus at UNI

Tuition & Fees$4,864
Room & Board$4,993
Personal Expenses$902


‌Eligibility Requirements to Study Abroad

The Study Abroad Center reserves the right to determine participants' eligibility to Study Abroad. Students must have a completed study abroad application, including supportive recommendation form(s). Additionally, students must meet all of the following in order to be eligible to Study Abroad:

  • Have a cumulative 2.5 GPA or higher at the time of application and maintain this cumulative GPA prior to departure and throughout the study abroad process
  • If your cumulative GPA is lower than 2.5, submit the following to the Study Abroad Center (103 East Bartlett):
    • Letters of reference from two academic contacts (e.g. academic advisor and former or current professor) supporting your pursuit of study abroad. If you are attending a faculty-led study abroad program, one of the letters must be from a course leader. However, if the program has two course leaders, only one of the letters can be from one of the course leaders.
  • Must be over the age of 18 years old
  • Must meet the course prerequisites (participation in the program is dependent upon meeting these)
  • Must be in good standing with the University
  • UNI's partner institutions may require additional eligibility requirements to be met, these vary from institution to institution. Please consult with the Study Abroad Center staff to discuss these additional requirements, if applicable.
  • Applicants traveling to a region of a country or a country with an overall Travel Advisory Level 3 (Reconsider Travel) or 4 (Do Not Travel) will not be eligible.