Finances & Scholarships


Each program has a program cost estimate available on the program's brochure page. The online program cost includes tuition and fees, housing, airfare, meals, passport, insurance, etc. 

The type of program, program length, number of credits and program location all directly influence what you pay. This also depends on your spending habits. Many students studying abroad on semester programs pay UNI tuition. These are some of the factors to consider when researching study abroad programs:

  1. Type of program (i.e., some semester programs include free housing, meals, etc.)
  2. Cost of living in the program location
  3. Tuition cost at the sponsoring or the host institution (if not a UNI exchange program)
  4. Program services (such as field trips, resident director, etc.)
  5. Other "extras" included in the program, exchange rates and other variables

To compare the cost of study abroad to the cost of studying at UNI, you may begin with the website of the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships where you can find the estimated cost of attending UNI for a year.


Many scholarships are available specifically for UNI students studying abroad. Explore the various options students can apply to. Be sure to talk with your Study Abroad Advisor about the many scholarship opportunities available to you. 

Financial Aid

Financial aid can be used for study abroad expenses. Funding options should be discussed with a Financial Aid Advisor. Check out the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships' web page on Study Abroad & Financial Aid. 


For all types of study abroad programs, participants are billed a portion or all of the tuition, fees and program expenses via the UNI University electronic billing system (U-Bill). The program cost sheets online help indicate which expenses are billed and which the student must pay directly to the provider abroad. We strongly recommend monitoring U-bill statuses and keeping your accounts current.