Study Abroad Expenses Outlined
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Non-Refundable Study Abroad Application Fee
Student must pay a $100 Study Abroad Application Fee.
This is a non-refundable fee. Participants will receive a refund of the $100 application fee if their program is cancelled. In this case the fee will be refunded only to “active” participants of the cancelled program. Students who had withdrawn prior to program cancellation will not be refunded.
The Study Abroad Mandatory Regents Fee
The Study Abroad Mandatory Regents Fee varies in price based on the program. Academic year: $500; Semester: $400; Short-term: $200; Non-UNI: $400. This fee is assessed to students once application is submitted and a student is accepted into the program. This fee is non-refundable, unless the program is cancelled. In this case the fee will be refunded only to “active” participants of the cancelled program. Students who had withdrawn prior to program cancellation will not be refunded.
Faculty-led Foreign Travel
The phrase “Foreign Travel” refers to the expenses the Study Abroad Center has pre-paid on behalf of each student in the faculty-led program. These expenses could include, but are not limited to: housing in the foreign location(s), necessary in-country transportation, entrance fees and tours for cultural activities, and group meals included in the program. The charges will be applied to the students’ U-bill along with UNI Tuition and Fees during the beginning of the term's billing cycle.
UNI Tuition and Fees
While participating on a UNI short-term faculty-led program, students will receive direct UNI academic credit. Because of this, they are charged tuition and fees by UNI. To study on-campus, UNI students are charged six different student services fees. If a student studies abroad, they are only charged two: the Technology Fee and the mandatory Regents’ Study Abroad Fee. The cost of the tuition and technology fee depends on the amount of credits received. For all short-term study abroad programs, the mandatory Regents’ Study Abroad Fee will total $200. The total tuition and fees amount is applied to a student’s U-bill for participation in a summer short-term program during the first week of May. Due dates vary according to summer session (i.e. May, June, July). For more information on UNI tuition and fees, please visit this website.