University Studies Abroad Consortium

The University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) is an award winning international education provider that offers students even more opportunities to study abroad. USAC has been providing study abroad opportunities to American students for over 40 years. They have more than 50 programs, offering a variety of choices in locations, academics/internships, time of year, length of programs and even virtual opportunities. No matter what you are looking for out of your study abroad experience, USAC can help make your study abroad dreams come true.

UNI has partnered with USAC as a third party provider to offer our students even more opportunities to go abroad. Through this partnership, students will work with both the UNI study abroad center and USAC on all aspects of your study abroad program, including billing, transferring credits, health and safety, and more to ensure our students are prepared for their time abroad and have a positive experience. If you are interested in participating in a USAC program, please contact the UNI study abroad center about how to start your application.

Dates and Deadlines

Term: Summer and Fall 2025
App Deadline: Saturday, March 1, 2025

The application cycle for Spring 2025 is currently closed. Summer and Fall 2025 applications will open later this semester. Students can click the link below to schedule this meeting beginning in November.

Schedule First Steps Meeting

Interested in studying abroad in the summer of 2025 or later? Please fill out the waitlist form below and the study abroad center will notify you when applications for future terms open. If you are still deciding where or when you want to go abroad, you can also schedule an informational meeting with our office to learn more about the programs we offer and find one that works best for you!

Study Abroad Waitlist Schedule Info Meeting

Unsure where to begin? Visit our Application Process page to learn more!

Program Costs

Estimated Program Cost will vary 

Costs for each program vary greatly depending on the program length and location. USAC is a nonprofit, so they make it a priority to keep costs affordable to allow more students to gain an international experience. 

Each program on USAC's website offers a detailed and interactive budget sheet that students can use to gain a better idea of estimated costs.

USAC also offers a wide variety of scholarships, grants, and discounts to students, as well as assistance to students who need help applying for financial aid. Visit their "Money Matters" page to learn more about the financial support USAC has to offer.

UNI study abroad center also has many scholarship resources available for students. Visit our "Finances and Scholarships" page for more information.

Cost of Studying On Campus at UNI*

*per semester, estimated, will vary per person

Tuition & Fees$4,527
Room & Board$4,580
Personal Expenses$878


‌Eligibility Requirements to Study Abroad

The Study Abroad Center reserves the right to determine participants' eligibility to study abroad. Students must have a completed study abroad application, including supportive recommendation form(s). Additionally, students must meet all of the following in order to be eligible to study abroad:

  • Have a cumulative 2.5 GPA or higher at the time of application and maintain this cumulative GPA prior to departure and throughout the study abroad process
  • If your cumulative GPA is lower than 2.5, submit the following to the Study Abroad Center (103 East Bartlett):
    • Letters of reference from two academic contacts (e.g. academic advisor and former or current professor) supporting your pursuit of study abroad. If you are attending a faculty-led study abroad program, one of the letters must be from a course leader. However, if the program has two course leaders, only one of the letters can be from one of the course leaders.
  • Must be over the age of 18 years old
  • Must meet the course prerequisites (participation in the program is dependent upon meeting these)
  • Must be in good standing with the university
  • UNI's partner institutions may require additional eligibility requirements to be met, these vary from institution to institution. Please consult with the Study Abroad Center staff to discuss these additional requirements, if applicable.
  • Applicants traveling to a region of a country or a country with an overall Travel Advisory Level 3 (Reconsider Travel) or 4 (Do Not Travel) will not be eligible.