Meet Our Staff
The Study Abroad Center (SAC) offers academic opportunities in over 25 countries and administers approximately 15 faculty-led programs. Our programs range in duration from two weeks to a full academic year and allow students to earn UNI credit while studying abroad. Programs are designed to accommodate student’s program of study.
From our full-time staff to our student Peer Advisors, the SAC is a great team of individuals with the background in study abroad to help you. Meet with a Peer Advisor to discuss study abroad opportunities and get a better feel of the application process. After working through your application, meet with a full-time Advisor to review details of your program and discuss next steps.
Find contact information below for both our student staff and our full-time staff.
Our Full-time Staff

Jamie Glanz
Study Abroad Advisor
Email Jamie Glanz →
Contact Us
Study Abroad Center
Undergraduate Studies
University of Northern Iowa
103 East Bartlett
Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0520
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Telephone: 001 319-273-7078
Fax: 001 319-273-2921
Facebook: Facebook/UNIStudyAbroad
Twitter: @AbroadUNI
Instagram: @AbroadUNI
Study Abroad Center's Mission
The mission of the Study Abroad Center at the University of Northern Iowa is to provide service and leadership in international education to UNI students, faculty, staff, the community and the State of Iowa. The Study Abroad Center:
- Facilitates international experiences to enrich students’ life experiences, which effectively prepares professional careers that transcend cultural and political boundaries;
- Supports students with finding the best program based on academics, interests, and cost tolerance;
- Educates students on how to have a successful study abroad experience;
- Guides students to appropriate resources (i.e scholarships, institutional contacts, safety, etc.)
- Provides UNI faculty and staff with resources and support to develop and deliver study abroad opportunities for all UNI student;
- Assists and empowers the UNI community to foster an appreciation for cultural diversity by creating global opportunities for UNI students overseas in order to shape their views as global citizens.
Services & Resources
- Program information, selection and application support for students;
- Academic planning and course approval facilitation for students;
- Program registration and enrollment at UNI;
- Academic transcript and credit transfer support;
- Scholarships and financial assistance and information clearinghouse,
- Assistance with travel arrangements;
- Pre-departure orientation and country-specific advice;
- Peer advisor and cultural consultations;
- International Student Identity Card (ISIC) & Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) issuing office
- Short-term faculty-led program logistic support, including budget development and administration;
- Risk management of programs abroad involving UNI students;
- Reporting on international activities involving UNI students.
- Promote and maintain the UNI Travel Registry