Sort order of student names.

Last Updated:  3/23/3012


Category of Issue: Grading

Issue name: Sort order of student names.

Issue resolution status: Completed.

Due date:

Issue description:

The way Test Scoring and the Student Information System (SIS) alphabetize last names with a second capital letter is different.

For example:


 SIS            Test Scoring
 LaMons         LAKE
 Lake           LAMONS
 McDaniel       MCCOMBS
 McTaggert      MCDANIEL
 Mccombs        MCTAGGERT

This could cause the misentry of grades by faculty.



Planned solution:

One positive aspect of the new system is that it can correctly reflect a student's name using upper and lower case, whereas the old SIS could not do that.  From this new upper/lower case functionality appears to affect the sorting of names in an unexpected manner.  

If you are entering grades from a Test Scoring report, you can sort by university id and the sort orders will match.